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Research: Green space, built and natural environments

Contains links to sources of research and evidence linked to the learning benefits associated with outdoor learning in different types of environment 

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Green space, built and natural environments
Activity in nature

A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental studies. This review provides the first synthesis of evidence to show that outdoor activity in nature improves mental health more than outdoor activity in urban environments. These findings have important implications for urban planning and green social prescribing for mental health.

Engagement with Nature 

Engagement with Nature and Covid restrictions.

This study explores people’s connection with trees, woodlands and wider nature before and during the Covid-19 pandemic and the benefits they gained from these interactions.  It is based on results from an on-line survey which was open from mid- June to July 2020. It was carried out as part of the Active Forests Programme which is funded by Forestry England and Sport England with support from the National Lottery.

Connection with Nature: Evidence

Connection with Nature: Evidence briefing (EIN015)

This Natural England Connection to Nature (CTN)  evidence briefing reviews international evidence for health and wellbeing impacts.

Sub-documents explore links between natural environments and:  

  •  learning (EIN017) 

  • mental health (EIN018)

  •  physical activity:  (EIN019)

  •  physiological health:  (EIN020)

  •  obesity: evidence briefing (EIN021)

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