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Research: Quality  outdoor learning

Here are some sources of research and evidence that demonstrate good practice in outdoor learning and examine methods of professional development for educators that relate to outdoor learning .


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Quality Outdoor Learning
High Quality Outdoor Learning Wales 

High Quality Outdoor Learning for Wales builds on the original High Quality Outdoor Learning document created by OEAP and the English Outdoor Council, setting the document in a Wales specific context; dovetailing Outdoor Learning best practice with Welsh Government legislation and the new Curriculum for Wales. 

Foundation Phase Outdoor Learning Handbook 

Outdoor Learning Handbook for the Foundation Phase in Wales

This handbook provides practitioners with advice and guidance on making the most of using the outdoor environment for effective learning. It  was produced in 2009 to accompany the introduction of the Foundation Phase in Wales by the Curriculum and Assessment Division, Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills of the Welsh Assembly Government

Natural Connections Demonstration Project

Natural Connections Demonstration Project 2012-2016

The objective of the Natural Connections project was to establish and embed ‘Learning Outside the classroom in the Natural Environment’ (LINE) by brokering relationships between schools, support organisations and volunteers. The final report details key findings relating to the impact of LINE on teachers and pupils as well as how the project was implemented, delivered and managed.

Wales Council for Outdoor Learning is not responsible for the content, standard or reliability of the websites, courses or resources linked from this page.


Listing should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and we have no control over the availability of linked pages.

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